Workers Compensation “changes are coming”

Workers Compensation “changes are coming”

The target commencement date of the new Act (WCIMA23) will come into effect on 1 July 2024.

Workcover WA and the ATO have worked in collaboration, by utilising data to monitor employer adherence to insurance requirements. Approximately 137 prosecutions with $1.77m in fines have been applied thus far.

Penalties for non-compliance for uninsured employers will be doubled from $5,000 to $10,000.

The Fair Work Ombudsman was making surprise inspections of northern Perth fast food outlets, restaurants and cafes week of 11th March 2024 to check workers are getting the right pay and entitlements.

Businesses were selected based on FWO intelligence including prior history of alleged non-compliance issues, employee tip-offs, or employment of vulnerable workers such as visa holders or young people. Most of the eateries are ‘cheap eats’ venues.

More information can be found on the WorkCover WA website OR